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Breast Cancer Foundation campaign

October 5, 2022

Ogilvy launch new campaign for Breast Cancer Foundation urging whānau and friends to tell the wāhine they love to book a mammogram

The campaign that went live In October, directed by Lizzie Bailey, features some of the celebrated weavers of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. The campaign is running on TV, radio and social channels, and aims to change the conversation for women who don’t always put themselves, or their health, first.

Kristal Knight, executive creative director, Ogilvy NZ: “Tragically, more than 650 women die of breast cancer every year in Aotearoa. Mammograms are the best way to pick up breast cancer early, and if it’s detected early enough, it’s a survivable disease. But the number of Kiwi women getting them has dropped over the last few years, not least of all because of the disruptions of COVID-19. The focus of the Breast Cancer Foundation’s campaign this year is all about getting our wāhine back into that life-saving screening programme.

When you think of what a fundamental role the women we love play in our lives, you realise that we actually ALL need mammograms to help keep these women in our lives.”

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